Connecting with your inner wisdom is simple, taking action is not easy, why?

I was reflecting on this dilemma in the shower this morning; it’s where I do a lot of my best thinking.

We have deep within us whispers of who we really are – innate callings if you will. They pop up in moments of inspiration and, if not jotted down, get lost in the momentum of the day. They arise in feelings of déjà vu, when we have moments of knowing; when a person, place or circumstance reminds us that we have infinitely more wisdom and intelligence.

These precious moments remind us of both our desires and our frustrations. Desires to leave an impact in this world, to live full-throttle in whatever way excites us and feels authentic; and in frustrations when we get to experience awareness around all the things we don’t want and how we are caught up in all the “do” of life.

We are all part of society’s charade – one that sees us busy ourselves with life and things that are deemed to be successful. And it starts young. Our parents, schools, cultures, religions and societal structures are part of this charade. Sure, there will be a different flavour depending on our birth circumstance, but the Western world largely buys into the notion that there are a set of rules and measurements that make us a good kid, student, wife, mother, lover.

We’re familiar with them: ‘When I have that ATAR / degree / car / house / marriage / children / career / holiday / money then I’ll … what?’


The reality, however, is that often we’re not happy. What we have instead is an expectation ‘hangover’. Or depending on what age the realisation comes, a midlife crisis.

Feeling stuck and not growing is the hallmark of an internal crossroad. It’s a compelling opportunity to step up to your full potential – even if you can’t exactly define what that potential is.

Your intuition, higher self or whatever term you have for that part of you which is not your busy mind is always there whispering to you the truth of who you really are: “There is more for you here,” “This is what you love,” “You are deserving of all that you wish for” “You are a miracle.” And YOU ARE.

Mel Robbins, a riotously funny self-help author and speaker, popularised the idea that there is a 1 in 400 trillion probability of each of us being born.

The bottom line is that the chances of you existing are virtually zero. You are a miracle. So go act like one.

Are you living the fullest, most exciting version of this precious gift or are you letting your manufactured identity get in the way? The identity that has created self-protection mechanisms that may see you not feeling good enough or worthy to follow your dreams; that sees you staying in a mediocre job or relationship because you fear going after what you really want; that sees your perfectionism and procrastination get in the way of achieving your goals; that has masked your voice and your truth because you were brought up to always put others’ needs ahead of your own.

Let me remind you, you are stardust, you are a 1:400 trillion miracle. You are not here by accident. Nobody wins – not you, your kids, your community or the world – when you squash, suppress or ignore those dreams within you.

As a first step, get clear – reacquaint yourself with your intuition. This can be as simple as a 5 minute meditative practice, time spent journaling, answering some quality questions or doing a `wheel of life’ exercise (you can download this from my website).

The more you practice mindful moments, the more inspiration and insight will bubble up from within.

Secondly, capture this gold! If your brain is anything like mine (hello, menopause), it’s there, and then it’s gone. When your values, dreams and desires talk to you, record the moment with a voice note or journal prompt. You’ll drive yourself nuts trying to remember it later. Don’t let the magic of you at your most authentic and inspired get away!

Lastly, change requires action. So if this has resonated for you, miracle human – what action are you going to take?
Commit to something meaningful now. And start the journey back to the real you.

Andrea x

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